Case study

Warehouse Systems Limited to provide versatile storage solution to support expanding online retailer

Aug 13, 2019 | Shelving

A successful online retailer contacted to WSL to discuss the prospect of a mezzanine floor being installed at their warehouse due to increasing demand.

The initial consultation on site gave the client an opportunity to illustrate the growth they are experiencing and how the current systems in place are no longer supporting the operation. The client is now looking to increase storage capacity for their non-palletised items and with sufficient height space it was thought a mezzanine floor would be the ideal solution.

After a long discussion with the client and careful evaluation it was discovered that further growth plans in the future may result in relocation. With this in mind our experienced technician David  advised the client on another option which would provide the same storage support as a mezzanine floor, whilst being much easier to move and take to new premises in the future – a two tier shelving system with walkways and stairs for access. This option offers safe secure storage with excellent picking applications and where space is limited, this solution will optimise use of both floor and height space. Designed specifically to adapt to change this very versatile system has the option to add tiers or expand outward and can easily be dismantled and re-installed in another location. As an online retailer the multi-tier shelving system would effectively support the flow and volume of inventory combined with picking and packing activity.

Within 24 hours WSL were able to provide full details and quotation for both the mezzanine floor option and the shelving system option, allowing the client the opportunity to explore the suitability of both solutions.

After careful consideration, the client decided the shelving system would be the most viable option and to ensure that it would comply with building regulations, WSL was able to obtain approval from a certified building inspector.

In late August the shelving system will arrive on site along with four members of our competent installation team who will be working carefully around exiting stock to ensure the system is professionally installed and fully complete within the five day timescale.

Our representative David  said,

“The client was unaware of the various options available in the marketplace and was very impressed that we could supply a compact system which allows the same storage facilities with the view of future expansion or relocation”

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