Case study

Covid-19 We are in this together

Apr 7, 2020 | Uncategorized

Just a few weeks ago the country was fast moving and people were going about their business, enjoying the hustle and bustle of the daily life. The daily commute to work, the school run, the normality of the weekly food shop, seeing our families, meeting with friends and celebrating birthdays all seem like a distant memory.  Things are much quieter today as we all stay in our homes to protect ourselves and each other from this very new, very dangerous virus which has no boundaries as it sweeps through our nation.

Staying at home has forced our lives into a temporary standstill, but there are many whose lives are at risk as they battle with this danger head on. For every single NHS worker, food chain supply worker, council worker, government worker, essential services worker and volunteer who are on the front line trying to keep us safe we thank you!

WSL is one of the many businesses that temporarily ceased usual operations and joined forces with many other businesses in the fight to protect lives. As a family owned business which started over 30 years ago WSL always has and always will put the health, safety and wellbeing of all persons involved in the business and their families before anything else.

Although the time-scale of the current lockdown may be uncertain, it is certain however, that there will be a new fight in the aftermath of the pandemic; which is to help save our economy. Our message to our valued employees, clients, suppliers and partners is that WSL will be ready to join hands with you as we enter the new economic challenges faced by our country. We will welcome our employees back to their usual working environment, provide extensive support to our existing and new clients and continue building strong relationships with our suppliers and partners. Supporting each other will positively affect the wider business community and together we can help support our healing economy.

Until this new chapter begins WSL wishes you all to stay safe, we are in this together and we will meet again


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