Case study

Covid-19 Update 25th March 2020

Mar 25, 2020 | Uncategorized

WSL understand the strong urgency of keeping all employees, clients and suppliers and their families safe during these unprecedented times. Following the announcement made by the Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Monday evening our Directors have been in discussion and here are our next steps as a company:

The first thing we would like to do is reassure all our clients that we are still here, totally available to discuss any concerns regarding current projects and future ones. Our project managers and sales technicians although working from home do still have full access to emails, phones and files so please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any concerns about your project whether it has already started, due to start or if you have plans for a new project.

What about my project which is partly finished?

Some of our clients have sadly had no choice but to close their premises or restrict working conditions to protect human life. In this instance your WSL project manager will keep in close contact with you via phone and email to ensure work can be re-scheduled at the earliest opportunity.  Our suppliers and partners are in constant contact with our team to ensure your project can restart without further delay as soon as restrictions have been lifted.

My site is still open can you still continue with our installation?

For those clients who have not closed their sites WSL is still operating with extra precautionary and social distancing measures in place and will continue attending those sites to complete the projects unless further restrictions change this.

My project was about to start, will it go ahead?

Yes. Your project manager will contact you to re-schedule a new start date for your project and will stay in contact throughout the restricted period. We aim to start your installation as early as possible and have already been speaking with suppliers and partners to ensure this happens as swiftly as possible.

I was planning on implementing new storage structures before the new restrictions came into place. Can I still discuss these with you and perhaps make plans to start a new project after the restrictions have been lifted?

Of course you can, we are still receiving new enquiries about mezzanine floors, pallet racking and shelving systems from clients who are putting plans in place whilst business is temporarily closed or slowed. Our team are all still available to contact and will be more than happy to discuss your potential requirements. You will find your nearest representative here or you can call our Director Brian Varley on 07587 035 034 or email him at . Our email is still fully operational so you can contact us via this too.

Our Suppliers

WSL has a strong relationship with our suppliers many of whom we have been speaking with since the announcement.  Like us our suppliers are putting the health and safety of their network of people first at this crucial time by following the latest advice from the Government and delaying their operations. They are readily waiting to assist us as soon as restrictions have been lifted so we can begin and restart projects for our clients swiftly and effectively. WSL will be keeping in constant contact with our suppliers throughout the lockdown period

And Finally

WSL would like to thank our team for their ongoing support and dedication to ensuring our clients are still looked after during this time. We wish all our team, clients, suppliers and partners to stay safe and healthy as our country pulls together to get through this period. We look forward to seeing everyone and working together again soon.

Stay well, keep safe


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